What's the Link Between Compassion and Stress?

Does your inner voice ever sound like this?

Don’t try that, you’re not xxxxx enough.

You stink at starting new habits.

You should've done a better job on that project.

You have to stop procrastinating.

You shouldn't be feeling so overwhelmed.

Blah, blah, blah……

We all have negative voices spinning around in our heads sometimes. That’s normal. The questions is, how much air time do those voices get?

Here’s why the answer to that question is so important.

Negative self-talk can turn on our stress response and send us into fight/flight/freeze.

On the other hand, self-compassion is one of the quickest ways to reduce stress because it can turn on your rest and digest system and break the stress loop. How awesome is that???

Your Brain on Mindfulness will teach you how to reduce negative self-talk, grow self-compassion, and learn to be on your own side.

And as if that’s not enough, doing so will decrease your stress level! 

And don't forget, when you register with a friend, you get $100 off. Just enter COMMUNITY in the “have a coupon?” box.

Register or learn more here


Here's what Your Brain on Mindfulness students have to say about the course:

"Your Brain on Mindfulness was like a curated tour through my brain that allowed me to stop and re-wire synapses along the way. Rachel’s presence created a safe place for me to laugh, cry, discover and nurture my best self. Truly the nicest thing I’ve done for myself in this lifetime."
Corbin, Musician

"Rachel’s course synthesized information for me in a way that made complex and challenging material accessible. Her depth of knowledge shines through experiential activities thoughtfully assembled and presented with warmth and authenticity. Rachel’s offerings are an indelible resource to longtime practitioners as well as the newbie." 
Steve, Psychotherapist

"I have enjoyed the physical and psychological benefits of a yoga practice for over a decade, but it was Rachel Posner’s “Your Brain on Mindfulness” class which brought into sharper focus, the latest neuroscience research available to enhance my practice, calm my mind and enlighten my interactions in the world. Rachel shared the latest scientific evidence showing how one can actually create new “grooves in the brain” to interact in this increasingly chaotic world in a more complete, calm and healthy manner. Through examination of the research, class interaction and practice, Rachel shared how it is possible to consciously change our brains through meditation and mindfulness in order to create a more open, accepting, positive and joyful frame of mind. I am full of gratitude to Rachel for being my mentor, my guide and my brain’s best advocate."
Sally, Retired Librarian

Rachel Posner's "Your Brain on Mindfulness Class" was just what the doctor ordered! She offered evidence-based practices to calm my nerves and feel more present, which I continue to use well after the course. The structure worked for me, since I work full time and therefore could access the materials at my own pace.  I also really appreciated how available she was for personal conversations throughout the 8 week course, and the live sessions that she offered which helped me feel part of a community (even if I did have to watch them later due to scheduling issues).  Rachel is clearly passionate about this material about which she is an expert; she is a warm instructor who made me feel comfortable and inspired.  I highly recommend you take this course!

As a scientist, I sometimes have a hard time letting go and quieting my rational, reductionist mind and just trusting the ‘universe’.  However, Rachel does an excellent job of describing what science is available (and there is quite a bit) to support the benefits of mindfulness and meditation in Your Brain on Mindfulness. Don’t worry, it’s not too sciency....just enough to give you a basic understanding and the references to dig into on your own if your are so inclined. 

As always, Rachel did an outstanding job pulling together a vast array of information and practices into Your Brain on Mindfulness. The course was informative, Rachel's calming, knowledgeable presence shines through in every video.


Here's what people have been asking:

Q: I want to join but I'm not sure how to keep myself accountable online. Any guidance?

A: I know more than anyone that when we don't have to show up for a class, it can be hard to stay on track. That's why I've designed Your Brain on Mindfulness to be an online "go at your own pace" experience while embedding it with support and community. You'll receive video lessons and audio practices each Monday with clear instructions on exactly what to do and when. And while the coursework is online, we'll also have 5 live, zoom classes so we can practice together, share our challenges and accomplishments and build community. You'll be paired with an "accountability buddy" to check in with as often as the two of you like and I'll be available via email or video chat to answer questions or share in your victories. There is just enough coursework to keep you engaged without making you feel like you've fallen behind. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Q: I'm spending so much time online these days. How much time will I actually be at my computer?

A: Very little! We'll have 5 one hour zoom calls over our 8 weeks together. During the week, you'll watch a short video lecture and the rest will be guided audio meditations which you can stream or download. This course is much more about the guided experiences than the classroom!

Q. What if I can't attend the zoom calls?

A: You’ll receive a recording of the call and if you are unable to attend, you can send questions that you would like me to address on the call in advance. 

Q: How much time do I need to set aside each day?

A: I recommend 15-20 minutes per day for guided meditations and a few 5 minute pauses built into your day to check in. Plus 15 minutes each week to review the video lectures and some reflection time to journal and/or pay attention to the effects of your practices.

Q: I've never practiced meditation before. Can I do this?

A: Absolutely. This course is for the beginning practitioner as well as the seasoned practitioner.

Q: I'm a wellness professional. Will this course give me new skills to support my students and clients?

A: YES! This is a very different kind of mindfulness course, covering a wide range of practices and information. I’ll be offering a professional mentoring add-on to help you integrate these new skills. If you'd like to talk about how this course might fit with your professional development needs, don't hesitate to reach out. RYT's and IAYT's will receive continuing education credits. 

Q: Is there a payment plan ?

A: Yes. You can pay 1/2 now and 1/2 in a month.

Discounts & Scholarships:

Going through the course with a friend is another great way to stay on track and keep each other accountable. When you join with a friend you'll both get $100 off. Just use the code Community at check-out. 

And I do have a few scholarships available so please reach out if the cost is what's holding you back from signing up.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to chat with you!


Wishing you a day filled with self-compassion!



Rachel Posner