Spain Retreat - Early Bird Ends July 16th

Calling all adventurers, insight seekers, nature lovers, and yoga and meditation practitioners (or folks whose to-do list includes starting or restarting a yoga or meditation practice)!!!

I would love for you to join me in Spain this October 15-21! Would you like to come? Early bird discount ends this weekend so now is definitely the time to jump in!

Here are my very favorite things about my Spain retreat:


I adore Spain. And I absolutely love this retreat center. It is quintessential Southern Spain. From the restored farm houses, to the unbelievably delicious food, to the gracious and welcoming staff that treat us like family, to El Gastor, the little pueblo a short walk from the retreat center. This retreat is truly a window into the Andalusian culture that is Southern Spain.
*For more on my love of Spain,
read this blog I wrote during my 2 year stint in Cuenca.


The intimacy of the group. This retreat is capped at 15 students.  This allows me to both meet the needs of each student, as well as the group as a whole. Those of you who have studied with me know that my superpower is teaching an all-levels class. So whether you are an experienced Yogi or a beginner, this retreat will meet the needs of your mind, body and spirit.

The sweetness of connection. Having a small group creates an opportunity to connect deeply. We need this more than ever! For many of us, life on this side of the pandemic has become a bit smaller. And as much as we like to see ourselves as independent beings, in many ways, our happiness, contentment and joy as humans depend on our relationships. This retreat is an opportunity for both rich conversation and comforting silence, and for nourishing relationships, both old and new.

Immersion in the natural world. In my life, I tend to either be a woman living in a city, who takes walks in nature, or a woman on a camping trip, living in nature, far away from the comforts of home. What I love about this retreat is that we are immersed in a natural setting while sleeping in comfy beds, eating amazing food, visiting small villages and exploring the simple pleasures of Spanish life. For me, this is absolutely the best of both worlds!   

Spacious awareness. There is nothing quite like having a week away from your everyday life to expand your awareness and your perspective. When you shift your way of seeing, ideas become available that weren’t previously accessible. Giving yourself space to truly be in your body, noticing sensations, emotions, thoughts and images, is essential to your well-being, your growth, and I would argue, your happiness!

If you are feeling a pull to join me but you have questions or just want to talk through whether this is the right time, please reply to this email. I'd love to chat with you about it!

Register or Learn More

If I can answer any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. And if we haven't connected in a while, I'd love to hear from you. How are you really doing? I'd love to know!

Sending so much love your way.


And here is another podcast resource and a few ways you can work with me...

New Podcast Episode:
Decrease Stress, Build Resilience and Thrive, with Rachel Posner

I had a great time talking to Dawn at Dawnversations, a fun variety show/podcast. We chatted a lot about yoga therapy, breathing, nervous system regulation, and lots more. If you've been considering exploring yoga therapy, you might enjoy a listen. I have a few one-one-one spots available so reply to this email if you'd like to chat about whether this is the right time and fit for you. 

Your Yoga: A Virtual Community
If you like practicing yoga and meditation in the comfort of your own home, join the Your Yoga community!
Register here to start your free 7-day trial.

And you can find all of my online workshops and courses here.

Rachel Posner