We Start in One Week - The Countdown is On!

Meditation Series:
Exploring the Background Track

Starts in one week

I'm so excited about this October's Meditation Series!

And to accommodate everyone, I'm offering two weekly options:


We'll meet in person on Tuesday's, 6:00 - 7:00 pm (MST).

Or on zoom, Wednesday's, 5:30-6:30pm (MST).



Here's what's unique about this class and what I'm most excited about:

When I teach meditation, I always talk about how to individualize your practice to meet the needs of the day. Some days, you just need to destress - get grounded and calm - and other days, it's refocusing or self-compassion that's most called for. 

In this series, I'll offer different meditation techniques to meet those needs but I'll also be exploring "the background track" that plays out on the periphery.

Our tendency in meditation is to notice our mind wander and immediately bring it back. But isn't is also interesting to notice where we've actually wandered? I think it's so informative!!! Because if what I notice is that I'm fixated on a conversation with a person that I'm only having in my head, there may be a right action to consider. Or if I'm saying the same unkind thing to myself over and over, there may be something I need to process. These moments of awareness are an essential part of the meditation practice!

So here's what we'll do.....

Each week, we'll focus on three things:


  • I'll introduce a new meditation practice and I'll share the benefits of the practice and why you might choose to work with it on any given day.


  • I'll also offer a technique to help you notice the background track of thoughts, emotions, images and sensations that play out while you try to stay focused on the meditation practice.


  • We'll reflect on the tone of that background track - noticing whether the commentary about the track is friendly or unfriendly, discerning or judgmental.

This course is a good fit if any of these ring true:


  • You'd like support in starting or reinforcing a meditation practice. 


  • You're curious about the benefits of different kinds of meditations.


  • In life and in meditation, you notice self-criticism or a less-than-friendly tone and you'd like to change that.


  • You think that being curious about where your mind goes when you are trying to meditate is a worthwhile exploration.


  • You'd like to spend some time meditating in community.


  • You are a mental health or wellness professional interested in offering your clients mindfulness tools.

Pricing, Perks and Discounts


  • This one-month course is $125 which includes 5 classes and online support where you will find a review of the course material, a recording of the class and additional resources.

  • If you are a Your Yoga member, your discount is $49 - making it $76. Check your inbox or reach out to receive your coupon code!

  • If you are interested in joining Your Yoga: A Virtual Community, doing so now is like getting a free month of Your Yoga as the membership is $49 per month. You'll have the opportunity to take advantage of your free month at check out.


  • You are invited to check in with me via email and quick phone or zoom chats throughout the 30 days should you have questions or need additional support.

  • If you’d like to pair the course with yoga therapy, you’ll also have access to discounted one-on-one sessions.


And finally, if you are interested in joining me on retreat in Southern Spain next year, March 17-23, 2025 let me know. You'll find more details here.

As always, if I can answer any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. And if we haven't connected in a while, I'd love to hear from you. How are you really doing? I'd love to know!

With so much love,


A couple other ways you can work with me...

If you'd like to work with me one-on-one, I have a few spots available. Reply to this email if you'd like to chat about yoga therapy, personal or professional mentoring or private yoga and meditation instruction. 

And you can find all of my online workshops and courses here.

Rachel Posner