Where are your safe spaces?

A few important questions:

Where do you go to feel held, nourished, supported and protected?

Where do you go to take a deep breath?

Do you have a place in the world where all of your fears, worries, and disturbances are held at bay?

For some of us, that's a special place in nature, seemingly far away from the demands of life, for others, it's our favorite reading chair where we escape into other adventures and sometimes, it's in the arms of a loved one. 

We all need a "safe space" - a place where we can relax, let down our guard and feel restored. But while this safe place is essential for our nervous system to find it's way back to homeostasis, and essential for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, it is not the place from which we grow. And it is not the place where we build resilience.

This happens at the "edge". Growth happens when there is enough discomfort and new input for us to learn something new but not so much that we get scared and shift into fight, flight or freeze. Growth and resilience building happen in the "sweet spot", at the edge of our window of tolerance.

This is what Cultivating Calm & Connection: 29 Days to Rewire Your Nervous System is all about.

  • You'll find the sweet spot and learn how to toggle back and forth between your safe space and your edge.

  • You'll learn to recognize when you've moved out of that window of tolerance and into fight, flight or freeze.

  • You'll become more adept at bringing yourself back to an experience of calm and connection.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I can't think of anything more interesting and valuable. Throw states of curiosity and compassion into the mix and you have a recipe for a more joyful and engaged life.

I hope you'll join me as we dive into the soup together! Our first meeting on zoom is Tuesday, April 19 at 6pm MST.

And if you have some unanswered questions or you're just not sure if this is the right course or the right time, send me an email. I know that when I'm deciding where to invest my time, a course description doesn't always cut it. I want to get on the phone and get a better feel for the course. If that's you, reply to this email and we can find a time to chat in the next couple of days:)

Cultivating Calm & Connection:
30 Days To Rewire Your Nervous System
April 18 - May 17, 2022

Here's what else is on the horizon...

Yoga, Nature, Culture Retreat in Southern Spain. June 27-July 3
I just had a cancellation - contact me to register ASAP!

Rachel Posner