Down With New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year and greetings from snowy Salt Lake City!!

Now that we’ve all had a minute to take a post-holiday breath, I wanted to send you a wholehearted wish for a sweet, tender, grateful, hopeful, creative, joyful, love and connection filled 2023. Whether we've know each other for decades or haven't yet met, I truly want to support you in having a wonderful year. 

One of the practices that always support me as I make this transition is to reflect on three questions:

  • What do I want to let go of from the previous year?

  • What do I want to shift or transform?

  • What do I want to feel in the coming year?


Notice that I didn’t say anything about resolutions!

That’s because resolutions have always felt to me like a list of shoulds - a here’s how you could be better or here’s where you’re falling short kind of list and if there’s anything I’m not interested in, it’s making myself feel bad, or less than, or not enough. 

So instead of resolutions, I like to consider the qualities I want to embody.

This year’s winners in no particular order:

  • Curiosity

  • Spaciousness/time for nothing

  • Feeling connected and supported

Once I get clear on my qualities, I consider the practices that will support me in living them  - which doesn’t include 47 things I don’t have time for and don't really want to do anyway (because if I did, wouldn't I be doing it already?). Usually it just looks like bringing more energy and intention and mindfulness to the things I’m already doing.

For example, I might need to explore a different focus or energy in my meditation or yoga practice. Or I could be more mindful about where and how I spend my time and protect those experiences and activities that feel most important to me. In other words, it doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t have to add to my already too long to-do list. 

If this sounds a little more useful or maybe even liberating, and you’d like to practice that with me, click the blue button. I'd love to share a 20 minute embodied meditation with you to help you consider YOUR new year's quality. 


Given my intention for connection and support, one of my practices this year will be to stay in better touch with my communities. Sending these emails is as nourishing for me as I hope it is for you, so I’ll be showing up in your inbox a bit more regularly (2 to 4 times a month is my goal). If you feel like responding, I’d love to hear from you -  connecting is the part that's most nourishing! 

Wishing you a year filled with exactly what you want to fill it with! Sending so much love and hopefulness your way.


And here's what else is happening...

Save The Date!!! Cultivating Calm and Connection: 30 Days To Rewire Your Nervous System begins again in February 21. Join the waitlist and let me know in the message if you'd prefer to meet on zoom or in person in Salt Lake City.

If you want some help starting or recharging your yoga and meditation practice in 2023, join the Your Yoga community! Register here to start your free 7-day trial.

If you'd like to work with me one-on-one, I have a few spots available. Email me if you'd like to chat about whether this is the right time and fit for you. 

Yoga, Nature, Culture Retreat in Southern Spain. October 15 - 21, 2023. We are already 1/2 full so register ASAP!

Rachel Posner