Grab your $50 FOR FRIENDS discount!

Cultivating Calm and Connection: 30 Days To Rewire Your Nervous System
February 21-March 21
Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm (MST)


Why are relationships and community essential and what do these connections have to do with this course?


Cultivating an embodied experience of support - a physical experience of feeling connected - is an essential part of feeling safe in the world. And when we feel safe in the world, we lower stress and anxiety and our lives become much more expansive. 


In other words, one of the most direct ways to calm your nervous system and expand your window of tolerance, is to acknowledge and nurture the places where you feel connected and supported.

Because when we feel a web of support beneath us we are calmer, we are braver, and we are more resilient. 


But the truth is, sometimes the voices in our heads sound like this:

I’m all alone in this. 

I can’t do this alone. 

I should be able to handle this on my own (that dreaded should!).

I just don't feel comfortable asking for help.


If this sounds familiar, Cultivating Calm and Connection can help. Here's how we'll foster connections together:


  • We'll move through the coursework together supporting each other's learning experiences during our 5 weekly zoom meetings on Tuesday evenings (6-7:30 MST).


  • We'll work with accountability partners to help us stay on track and honor our commitments to ourselves.


  • Together, we'll reflect on where support already exists in our lives and where we may turn away from that support. Oftentimes, what we learn is that we are actually more cared for than we realize!

I hope you'll join me next Tuesday, February 21 for my upcoming course, Cultivating Calm and Compassion: 30 Days To Rewire Your Nervous System.


Click to register and don't forget to grab a friend and enter "50FORFRIENDS" in the discount code.


Let me know if I can answer any questions. I'd love to jump on a call and help you explore whether this course is right for you!

Plus a few more resources....

Latest Podcast Interview:

I recently had a great conversation with Kelly Cole about nervous system regulation on The Synergy Thrive Podcast. This is a 1/2 hour podcast and I offer a 6 minute meditation to help you notice and respond to the needs of your body and mind, at minute 16:30. I loved talking to Kelly! You can learn more about her on her website.

Fun science bytes: 

  • The 75-year Harvard study on happiness results are in! The clearest message to come out of the study is that good relationships keep us happier, healthier and living longer.

  • Studies consistently show that social support both before and after traumatic events have a significant impact on whether or not we develop P.T.S.D.

  • Studies also show that we are more likely to try new things when we have someone by our side. Connections make us braver!

Hoping to connect with you soon!


Rachel Posner